Some are speculating Biden’s replacement will be Newsom, some think Whitmer. I suggest the most obvious choice is Michelle Obama. She checks all the boxes — black, woman, and close to the Democrat power center (her husband).

Joe Biden’s approval rating of 37.6% and poor debate performance suggests that he’ll soon be replaced. But Trump’s approval rating is only 4 points higher, and well below 50% approval. Not surprising, really, since only the 20% to 25% of MAGA fanatics actually like Donald Trump.

Bottom line… The majority of Americans don’t approve of either presidential candidate. So what happens when the Dems swap out “lowest approval rating in history” Joe Biden with someone with a better approval rating, like Michelle Obama? Trump’s approval will stay at 41%, while Big Mike cleans his clock by picking up votes from blacks, independents, and soccer moms.

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Big Mike would have 0% chance…sorry…i am sure the 2% of white americans who work in DEI, universities or nonprofits will vote for her but she is hated

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

“0% chance”? As I said below, Trump supporters think “everyone” is on board with exactly what they believe. That’s a serious awareness flaw.

Pollster 538 surveyed M.Obama v. Trump in 2024, and 3 of the 4 polls show Obama winning. The spread ran from Obama +3 to Trump +3. That’s a “75% chance.”

https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/ Search: Obama.

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Any Democrat other than Biden wins against Trump. That's the bottom line.

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not remotely a trump supporter

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it’s funny you think i am a trump supporter…you’re doing exactly what you claim i am doing…never voted for him, never will….

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Coincidentally, I have never voted for Trump either.

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And yet, you think both Obama AND Newsom have a “0% chance” against Trump. That sure sounds like a Trumpist delusion.

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No, I said the exact opposite. You must have me confused with someone else.

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I think you're nuts. The only one who would beat Trump is RFK Jr, and they're not allowed to run him as the medical industrial complex won't allow it. This is an oligarchy after all. They will go with Newsom and living in Cali, i know one thing, the rest of the country hates us, big time. Newsom is a bigger pathological liar than Biden or Trump and he will ruin his career over this. He's not loved in Cali, just sorta endured but he is a creation of the Gettys, but Trump will be too stupid to bring this up. If you live in SF, you know.

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First of all, I support RFK and would vote for him if I was eligible to vote in US Federal elections. I like him for many reasons, but especially because of his stance against big pharma and all of their products. Second, while Newsom is obviously a liar, he's also a liar who wins. Not loved in California? He keeps winning every single election there with huge margins. Not just 10% or 20%. I severely dislike Newsom and would never support him, obviously, but just like Obama he would beat Trump by a wide margin nationally. Sad, but true.

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“Newsom is not loved in Cali”: False. Trump supporters think “everyone” is on board with exactly what they believe. That’s a serious awareness flaw.

“Newsom is liar who wins”: True. Not only elections, but beat a recall in 2021.

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Newsom has zero percent chance nationally, sorry. if i want to get 100k hits on a tiktok video, all i have to do is say something positive about cali and the wolves come out as this triggers people…face it, the campaign vids for Trump will write themselves…perhaps you can visit me and we can go to the shanty towns all over LA and Oakland now that look exactly like Johannesburg

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That’s why they (Dems)wanted a debate so early. If Biden showed poorly then they still have time to adjust with another candidate. 4 1/2 months is a lifetime in politics.

Let’s see what the polls show in the next couple of days. I can’t believe people are talking about Whitmer from Michigan. If that’s the fix Trump


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No, Trump is only the second most hated person in America, a millimeter behind Biden. Any other Democrat will clobber Trump by double digits.

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Read my first paragraph and I do believe Whitmer can’t beat Trump. She can’t beat the anti Muslim crowd

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Agree that Trump is a poor debater. He often fails to score points and avoided directly answering many questions. Nonetheless, Biden's start was so bad that he could only go uphill from there, and that isn't saying much. If Biden steps out, Kamala Harris will run and she has no chance of being elected. She hasn't shown much as V.P., cackles too much, and isn't taken seriously.

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