i found your article very interesting indeed......i do not understand Bitcoin one bit....lol....but.....since the moment that the Bitcoin ETF were bought to life.....i thought....wow...i am going to buy one Share......which i did....and i still don't know a thing about Bitcoin and i doubt i ever will...but what has happened is that now i am in the Loop.....if Bitcoin does go to the Moon......i will be there in a small way.......if Bitcoin collapses with the rest of the Markets......then again........i will be there in a small way...........

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Anton, you've dug real deep into Bitcoin but just not deep enough if I may say...re: "The market is currently assigning a $60,000+ value to each number WITHOUT any asset attached to it.", now research Proof of Work... This course was really important for me - 1hr a week for 12 weeks - https://www.unic.ac.cy/iff/education-and-training/free-courses-moocs/mooc-in-digital-currency/ plus then books to digest.. Saifedean's (https://thesaifhouse.com/) and also Antonopolous series (https://aantonop.com/books/). But whether everyone believes in this or not, just yet, doesn't matter because many now do...

The mathematics and cryptography behind Bitcoin is simply wonderful too and the part that's often overlooked to achieve decentralised, permissionless internet of money... similar I guess to how on earth the internet functions for e-commerce etc... With the lightning network (layer on top of Bitcoin) you then achieve micropayments... providing a "freedom currency" and "digital gold" to combat CBDCs...allowing person-to-person, person-to-business, business-to-business payments without banks in the middle (bitcoin's genesis block fascinating - https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Genesis_block).

Please now dig deeper to Proof of Work... Bitcoin University on Youtube - Matthew - very good too - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njG8lVly9-E&t=100s

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Work has to be productive. I can spend my entire life moving a pile of dirt from one side of the yard to the other yet nothing is accomplished ie. no value is created. Expending computer time and energy to 'mine' numbers on a computer accomplishes the same thing. Bitcoin has failed to become a meaningful medium of exchange, has now become manipulated by wall street, and the security of the block chain has been challenged. It is a hyped receptacle for overflowing capital in the world and as a result tracks closely with risk assets..

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