I suspect that, if Trump were to win with a vp that is that palatable to the establishment, Trump would go the way of JFK.

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Maybe, but in the meantime there must be a better analogy than JFK given that Oswald acted alone and didn't have a political motive.

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Not sure about that. If I had picked Lincoln, it would seem too long ago to be relevant. If I had picked McKinley, people would ask who that was.

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McKinley ordered the invasion and occupation of Puerto Rico, which remains a US colony to this date, 126 years later. A great President!

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From what I understand (not a Constitutional scholar) the electors vote for Prez and Vice Prez separately. So maybe Fla electors could vote for Trump, but then vote for someone else (Joe the Plumber?) for VP. So Trump gets 270+ but Rubio doesn’t. What then? Don’t know. Decided by the House? And what about the “faithless electors” restriction? If Rubio wins the VP slot, are Fla electors bound by law to vote for him, in violation of the Constitution? Someone smarter than Trump needs to game this out before his VP is chosen.

Re: Rubio in Cuba… Biggest problem: “The attention Rubio would get from going to Cuba would top anything Trump could ever do himself.” Trump would never allow his VP to steal even one lumen of his spotlight. I’m guessing he’ll pick another no-drama, no-balls milquetoast like Pence.

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Rubio would get the same number of electoral votes as Trump. He would just switch his registration out of Florida no later than the morning of December 17, and he would get the same number of votes as Trump. Problem solved.

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Or Trump could switch his registration out of Florida. Rubio has stronger ties to Florida than Trump.

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Yes, that would work too -- just get an address in Texas, Wyoming or Nevada for example -- but under my scenario none of that would be necessary given that neither person on the ticket needs to switch registration until the morning of December 17.

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