My thoughts: Biden won’t voluntarily step down, because Jill won’t let him. Trump won’t step down either, because his narcissism won’t let him. The difference is that all of Joe’s support network has turned against him, while all of Trump’s support network think he walks on water. Joe will not make it to November, one way or another. Either he steps down voluntarily or he’ll be subjected to the Epstein solution. Trump will then face his replacement, which I believe will be Michelle Obama, to whom he will lose handily. Then he’ll be back in 2028, at age 82, claiming that TWO elections have been stolen from him. And the cycle will repeat every 4 years until he’s dead.

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That's mostly accurate, I think -- except it won't be Michelle Obama. It will be Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro and perhaps Gavin Newsom.

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This was an entertaining post. You give Democrats too much credit, most will vote along party lines regardless of who is on the ticket. It is Independents whose minds might have been changed by the debates, but since Trump didn't exactly shine either, I expect both candidates will appear on the November ballot. If I'm wrong, first round is on me.

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"After chess move number one -- Biden is replaced on the 2024 ticket some time before mid-September -- has happened, Trump will start to lag the new democrat ticket by 10% or more."

What's your reasoning for that number? Or is the "10%" your gut-feel?

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